- Scientific processing of archival documents, historical sources stored in archives, museums, libraries of the region, Ukraine, and other countries;
- Development of scientific and popular scientific articles followed by their publication in collections of scientific works, personal and collective monographs, newspapers, magazines, etc.;
- Preparation of materials for scientific reports and announcements for presentations at city, regional, Ukrainian and international scientific-historical local history conferences;
- Organization and conduct of one’s own historical scientific research on topics that have not been fully reflected in historical and local history literature;
- Compilation of scientific-historical, scientific bio-bibliographic references on regional figures, events that took place, cities, villages, houses, streets, squares, etc.;
- Scientific processing of museum objects stored in the funds of the Dnipropetrovsk Historical Museum with the aim of introducing them into scientific circulation;
- Creation of scientific catalogs of collections of museum objects related to the history of Ukraine and the region;
- Conducting museological scientific research on museum activity, as well as on the problems of building and increasing the effectiveness of museum exposition;
- Development of scientific concepts, thematic structures and thematic exposition plans of expositions and exhibitions;
- Participation in the creation of new scientific expositions and exhibitions based on the latest scientific and historical research and scientific documentation;
- Creation of plans for the scientific collection of historical sources (documents, photos, physical monuments), their search and collection;
- Conducting scientific expeditions, business trips to cities and rural areas of the region for the purpose of scientific collection of materials on the topics of the department;
- Scientific processing of collected materials, compilation of scientifically unified passports, inventory cards;
- Conducting thematic and overview excursions, lectures, classes, other scientific and educational events with the aim of popularizing the history of the region;
- Development of scientific and methodical materials for excursions on given topics, preparation of texts for booklets and guides on museum exposition.
The results of scientific research on the history of the region and the museum collection are reproduced in the exhibition halls of the museum complex, printed in the scientific collections of museums, scientific, archival and higher educational institutions of Ukraine.