Dnieper rapids

Editor: O.P. Motorina
Artist: O.M. Buzilov
Proofreaders: A.F. Mevshina, N.O. Ram

Yavornytskyi D.I. Dnieper rapids: Geography and history. essay/ Artist. OHM. Buzilov. – Dnipropetrovsk: Promin, 1989. – 142 p.: illustrations.

The book of the famous Ukrainian historian, ethnographer and archaeologist, academician D.I. Yavornytskyi is the result of many years of work on the study of a unique natural phenomenon – the Dnieper rapids.
Designed for a mass reader.


Gurzhii O.I. A person full of love and knowledge 5
Preface 10
Dnieper rapids 11
Notes 129
Gurzhii O.I. Comments      137