Народний музей у Катеринославі

Народній музей в Катеринославі, порівнюючи з другими російсько-українськими музеями, не є такий давній: він збудований в 1905 році заходами Катеринославського губернського земства на спомин місцевого земського діяча, О. М. Поля.

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Foreign investment in Ukraine. The end of XIX – the beginning of the XX centuries

Nowadays Ukraine, considering the prospects for economic develop¬ment, associates them with integration into the European Economic Community. Therefore, the study of historical experience, which clearly gives us examples of successful economic cooperation between different European structures, both at the national and regional levels, is very relevant. An example of such cooperation is Kryvyi Rig- Prydniprovia-Donetsk subregion of the Great South of Ukraine, which, in the XIX – beginning of the XX century, became the centre for attracting of the entrepreneurial capital and experience from England, France, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, thanks to which a unique industrial complex (the former Katerynoslav province — modern Dnipropetrovsk, Lugansk, Donetsk, Zaporizhia regions) was created here.

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“Without any loss of time, promote the emigration of capital…”

In 1897, the Russian Empire was visited by the President of the French Republic, Felix Faure. It is unknown whether he visited Ukrainian lands, but he was informed about the rapid development of industry in the Kryvyi Rih-Donetsk region. Therefore, after returning to Paris, when the representatives of the trading world and the industrialists held a banquet for him, Faure, being impressed by what he had heard, said in his speech: “Without any loss of time, start to acquire new markets… hurry to send the barely familiar unexplored areas a private initiative … to promote the emigration of capital. We will not let foreign competitors be ahead of ourselves…”. He was heard. So, if by the calculations of the researchers in the 1870s, only 5 French joint stock companies were opened, in the 1880s – 9, then in the 1890s – 29, out of which 18 – in 1896-1900. This was the most significant period of the French investment in the industry of Ukraine.

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The plant of an Englishman, John Hughes, is the firstborn of Ukrainian metallurgy

English entrepreneurial capital was the first one judging by the time of activity in Ukraine and was associated with John James Hughes, the founder of the modern regional centre of Ukraine – the city of Donetsk. It was the Hughes’s plant of the Novorussian Society for Coal, Iron and Rail Production, established in London in 1869 that gave the name of a factory village – Yuzivka (“Yuz” is a Ukrainian approximation of Hughes), that later transformed into the city. In 1924, Yuzivka was named Stalino, and in 1961 the city was renamed into Donetsk.

До 170-річчя ДНІМ: Забута колекція старожитностей видатної людини Олександра Поля

До 170-річчя Дніпропетровського національного історичного музею імені Д.І. Яворницького представляємо Вашій увазі цікаву статтю Д.І. Яворницького “Забытая коллекция древностей замечательного человека Александра Поля”.

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Фащенко В.В. – лауреат премії ім.Т.Г. Шевченка за літературно-критичні праці «У глибинах людського буття», «Характери і ситуації»

Фащенко Василь Васильович (н. 5.01.1929, с. Катьошине Томаківського району Дніпропетровської області – 24.06. 1999, м.Одеса). Лауреат Державної премії УРСР ім. Т.Шевченка (1985) за літературно-критичні праці «У глибинах людського буття», «Характери і ситуації».